Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Wheel

Anyone who knows me very well can tell you, my most prized possession is my spinning wheel. It has moved all over the country with me, been packed in trunks, taken on vacations, left with friends for safe keeping for short periods of time, but it has always been my favorite personal object.
When I was 17 I had a disaster of a graduation party. (long story) The bright point of that day BY FAR was when, in the middle of opening gifts, the door bell rang.
 Who in the world would that be?
The whole family and a herd of guests scurry to the door...It's the UPS man!
 And look, a HUGE box! 
That trunk sized box contained a brand new, lovingly packed, Kromski Symphony spinning wheel. **drool**

Apparently, word had traveled through my family to my uncle that I had taken up an odd hobby. And he, always being in favor of fostering oddness, had done the most generous thing I could imagine. He had gotten me a wheel! This changed everything.
You see about a year before that day, in a fit of desperate boredom, ( we lived in a small town in Idaho...need I say more??) I had stumbled upon a spinners guild at our local community center. There I found a amazing group of older ladies more than happy to have a teenager (of all people) interested in their craft. I spent the next year - every other Wednesday night - learning from them. First on a drop spindle like this one...

 ...then, once I had the hang of that, they let me play with their wheels...I was IN LOVE!! But after discovering the frightening price tag on the average wheel, I had resigned myself to purely lusting after one.
Now I had one! I still get giddy when I get to play with it! :D
Now, remember how I said it had moved all over with me? Well my wheel and I now live in suburban NJ ...along with my husband, baby, and brother.

 Finding a spinning group here has been a bit of a bust, and since I no longer have a local group of spinners to share with, **cough** brag with**cough** I thought it might be fun to have an online place to share! As you can see I have plenty of "help" with my projects, so a lot of my pictures will contain tiny fingers or chubby 'lil toes. But as long as you don't mind those, I should have lots of fun and pretty stuff to look at. (not just spinning stuff either!) And bear with me? I'm new to this whole blogging thing. :D 
                                              Here are a few things just to get this started! 

I recently discovered that "scrap" yarn is some of my favorite to make! It takes off some of the pressure and lets me just PLAY!
A recent thick thin yarn destined for doll hair I think!

My first batch using Merino wool and I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT It's so soft and easy to work with!

This is from a few months ago...My little monster attempting to steal yarn!

 Next time I'll try to share with you some of the things these yarns have gone to live in . Happy spinning!